Saturday, April 23, 2011

Slow Carb Diet

Slow Carb Diet - Slowly but Surely!

There are lots of interesting things to try this summer. If you failed to achieve that perfect bikini body this year, do not fret! There is always a next year. Maybe you just have the wrong formula. Why not try something new? Like this phenomenal slow carb diet.

So what is a slow carb diet? Otherwise known as the low glycemic-index diet, this kind of diet program will confine the carbohydrate consumption of a person. So you have to say goodbye to your favorite pasta and pizza. Instead, you will replace your meal with high protein foods, vegetables, and legumes. It may be very challenging at first, but you will surely enjoy the improvement in your body.

Slow Carb - Simple Carb
 There is what we call a slow carb and a simple carb. So how are they different from each other? The slow carbs are those foods that are high in fiber and will provide the body with a stable energy. So you cannot just eat any carbs. There are categories of foods with low glycemic index that you have to strictly select in your menu in order to fully enjoy the benefits of this diet. You can have lean meats, cottage cheese, nuts, and many vegetables . You can even try to experiment with your salad by using nuts and vegetables. So if you think you are up to the challenge this time, then you can start going slow! Remember it is better to try a sure fire way to achieve that great body to flaunt this summer.

Did you know that the slow carb diet will lessen the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity? You can find research on this in the books of Gary Taubes -- How We Get Fat and Good Carbs, Bad Carbs.It seems that the "low fat" advice we've been given over the past many years was not backed up by research. And "eat less, exercise more" works for some people but not for many. For many of us, a Slow Carb Diet, high in protein and fats and complimented with vegetables and legumes works wonders!

Keep Yourself Honest!
 For me, it is wise to plan ahead by preparing the food and making a menu list during my free time.That way I head myself off at the pass! Cheating becomes hard when all the food you're supposed to eat is ready to go!

So what are the other things that you have to remember when you decide to go slow? You have to stay away from sugary foods and drinks. That means no more soda, sweet yogurts, and chocolates. You have to set aside your sweet tooth! You have to be more particular in reading the labels of the food that you buy. When you are doing your grocery shopping, you have to read labels to avoid being misled with the wrong information.

Given all this, I still strongly suggest that you read Taubes' books and start eating this way if you want to lose weight and improve your blood test numbers. It's amazing how well it works!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Working Out With Weights At Age 67!

During the summer of 2009, I joined a woman’s health club and began to work out several times a week. I was really tired of seeing my muscle vanish through insufficient use. Little did I know when I started out, the amount of strength I had lost. That has been discovered as it came back.

I received a complete workup by an Exercise Physiologist and was not shocked, but was dismayed to learn that my body fat Percent was 44! I was chubby. Really chubby… And at 5’2? - well, a few pounds show. And I had much more than a few…

I began slowly with the weights, using the small ones that the trainer had shown me. Combined with that, I walked the fitness treadmill at my target heart rate for 30-40 or so minutes twice a week.
As the months passed I was really pleased to be upgrading to heavier and heavier weights with regularity.

I was also thrilled to discover that it seemed to be once again easy to get out of the car, walk up stairs and do normal things that had come to be difficult. Amazing.

At some point, I stumbled upon Tim Ferriss’ “work short and HARD” weight lifting suggestions and started to make use of them.

In March of 2010, I met with my sisters (who live a distance from me) to try on dresses for one sister’s wedding - a gala event scheduled for July and in which we were all taking part. My sisters were raving about how great I looked. I didn’t recognise that the changes showed - since I had been experiencing the slow improvement and the people I saw everyday were, too. However my sisters saw a huge difference.

The upshot was in fact - I didn’t drop any weight to speak of throughout the 1st nine months of training. Perhaps a pound or two. Yet I was SMALLER, and my body fat % had gone to 31! WOW.

Subsequently, I discovered the SLOW CARB method of eating and have shed more weight. I am pretty darned happy.

So my message right here is that for a female past 65 who's “let herself go,” there isn't any reason not to get into a gym and begin workouts using weights. You won’t get muscular. And everyone will quickly be telling you how fantastic you look.

I had read Miriam Nelson’s book, Strong Women Stay Young, and she is right! Having the capacity to do the everyday things that I used to find simple and easy has been more fantastic than I'm able to describe.

So go for it. And if you’re lucky, you’ll find a woman’s gym like I did which catered to older women - so
 you won’t have to deal with nubile 20-somethings in tights! And I wish all of you the best.